Pázmány Péter Catholic University nurtures a vast network of international relationships in Europe and around the world. This network guarantees diverse options in partnerships, be it mobility, research, project application, joint education or other activities.




The mobility programmes and projects in Europe encompass the European Union's programmes, the Erasmus+ and the CEEPUS programme (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies). Our biggest partners of exchange are Belgian, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Portugal universities, which include the KU Leuven, TU Dresden, Libera Universitá Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA), University of Padova, University of Catania, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the CEU University San Pablo and the Catholic Unversity of Portugal.



As for our most important overseas affiliations, we value the connection with Catholic universities in the US, such as the University of Notre Dame and Saint Louis University in the field of law, international studies and computer science. In the middle-east region we hold agreements with Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Jordan universities primarily in the field of archaeology. Starting from 2016 PPKE established ties with several universities worldwide within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (KA171) programme, including the Armenian State Pedagogical University in Yerevan, University of Jordan in Amman and the Damascus University in Syria. PPKE is also an active collaborator of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program, which enables foreign students to complete a full study cycle in our institution. Pázmány also participates in the Diaspora Scholarship Programme, aiming to give an opportunity for foreign students with Hungarian roots to better understand their Hungatian heritage and the Hungarian culture, while obtaining a degree at our university. Participationin the Scholarship for Christian Young People is of a great importance to our university, as it provides opportunities for Christian youth living in crisis regions of the world or being threatened in their countries because of their faith, to pursue higher education studies in Hungarian host institutions.

Pázmány Péter Catholic University is unique in Central Europe in the teaching and research of Armenian history and culture with its English-language "Armenian Studies Program" and Department of Armenology since 2016. The department provides instruction for Armenian Studies specialization in English within the MA program in History and has submitted a request to start an independent program (MA in Armenian Studies), which has been very positively received by the Hungarian Accreditation Comittee.

In our Far-East network (with Universities mainly from the Korean Republic, China and Taiwan) we primarily convene an exchange programme of part time studies in the humanities and social studies. We uphold archaeological alliances, focusing on excavation and research work, with several Russian universities (Lomonosov, Yekaterinburg, Orenburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk).

We have an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree with the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Bordeaux in the field of Image Processing and Computer Vision (IPCV). We co-operate with the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies (ICES) in fields of French Literature and Culture and International Studies, and with the Catholic University of Portugal in a double degree of Governance, Leadership and Democracy. We are strongly committed to extending joint and double degree projects not only in the above mentioned fields, but in different academic areas as well.


Our internationalisation strategy emphasizes the importance of memberships in international networks and federations. PPKE is a member of the European Federation of Catholic Universities (FUCE), the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), and the Visegrad+ cooperation founded and coordinated by our University. Further international cooperations include our memebership in the Catholic University Partnership (CUP) programme of the University of Notre Dame (USA), where we cooperate with partner universities like the John Paul II. Catholic University in Lublin, the Catholic University in Ružomberok, and the Unkrainian Catholic University. In 2023, PPKE also joined the Three Seas University Network, initaiated by the aformentioned partner university in Lublin.

The most important partner universities of Pázmány Péter Catholic University