Visegrad Scholarships support Bachelor, Master and post-Master studies/research conducted at higher-education institutions in the V4 member states (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) as well as in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine).

There are three schemes which are supported within the Visegrad Scholarships:
1. Intra-Visegrad Scholarships: scholars and researchers can only apply within the V4 countries for Bachelor's, Master's and post-Master's degree levels
2. Out-Going Scholarships: scholars and researchers are able to apply from V4 member states to the above mentioned Partnership Countries (Master and post-Master level)
3. In-Coming Scholarships: scholars and researchers from the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries can accomplish semesters in one of the V4 Member States

The amount of the support is 2500 EUR/semester for the scholar and 1500 EUR/semester for the host institution.

The maximum length of the scholarship period is 4 semesters for the BA and MA scholars, and 2 semesters for the post-Master researchers.
One applicant is able to submit one application, and the minimum scholarship period is 1 semester (5 months).

Deadline for the applications is March 15 at 11:59:59 CET (noon) each year which can only be submitted via the online system. The system will be opened ca. 45 days prior to the deadline.

For further information please visit the following links:

Should you be interested, we encourage you to contact Ms. Tünde Magdolna VIZ-POÓR, at