After your arrival in Hungary, it is obligatory to request a student card that will certify your student status. This will entitle you to the same reductions as Hungarian students: on public transportation tickets, museum entrance fees, Youth Hostel accommodation, library memberships and various other discounts.

First step: Go to an Office of Government Issued Documents (short term: Registration Office/Municipality Office; in Hungarian: Okmányiroda/Kormányablak) and apply for a student card.

For more information please visit the website of Kormányablak!

Second step: You need to register your application electronically in the Neptun system. (Go to "Administration" -> "Student card request" -> "Add new")

Third step: Your student card is ready and you can obtain it.

50% or more discounts in the following cases:

  • monthly pass for public transport
  • travelling by train
  • travelling by bus
  • membership fee in public libraries

Source: Study in Hungary