Dear applicants,

We have made videos for you, in which we would like to give a picture of the programmes offered by the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, the educational and scientific activities taking place here and, last but not least, the university community waiting for you. First of all, the greeting thoughts and words of Rev. Mons. Géza György Kuminetz Dr., the Rector of Pázmány Péter Catholic University



In the next video, László Komáromi Dr., Vice Rector for Education of our university, speaks to you.



The largest faculty of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University is the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, which is presented by Máté Botos Dr., associate professor.


The Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics is the youngest faculty of our university, presented by Iván Kristóf Dr., Prodean.


Our Faculty of Theology has the greatest history, the education taking place here and the progrmas available are presented by László Gájer Dr., Head of Department.



We have also recorded the most important information about Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship , we would like to help you with these videos.





Balázs Major Dr., Vice Dean for International Affairs presents the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.



Kristóf Karacs Dr., Vice Dean for International Affairs presents the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics.



László Gájer Dr., head of department presents the Faculty of Theology.




We look forward to seeing you at Pázmány!