Catholic Leadership Program in the USA


From 8 to 15 July, the Nanovic Institute at the University of Notre Dame (USA) hosted a training course called the "Catholic Leadership Program". Participants were leaders and scholars from Catholic universities in Central and Eastern Europe

From 8 to 15 July, the Nanovic Institute at the University of Notre Dame (USA) hosted a training course called the "Catholic Leadership Program". Participants were leaders and scholars from Catholic universities in Central and Eastern Europe

Participants were leaders and scholars from Catholic universities in Central and Eastern Europe - including Armenia, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. Our university was represented by Dr. Petra Láncos, Vice-Dean for Foreign Affairs at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and Dr. Bence Tamassy, Head of Central Office for Foreign Affairs. Besides the outstanding opportunity for strengthening our cooperation with partner universities from the region, there were sessions about effective leadership, supervision, management and human resources strategies. The participants also had a workshop on Catholic university identity held by Ft. Rev. Friedrich Bechina, former undersecretary for the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. As PPKE is a member of Catholic University Partnership (CUP) organized by Nanovic Institute, our professors, staff members and students can take advantage of the excellent opportunities offered by CUP, such as leadership courses, summer schools and research grants.
