Pázmány joins a new international cooperation


Our University has joined the 3 Seas University Network.

Our University has joined the 3 Seas University Network. The newly established cooperation brings together universities from 12 Central and Eastern European countries, coordinated by the Catholic University of Pope St John Paul II.

Dr. Krisztián Vincze, Deputy Rector for Foreign Affairs and Science Organization, and Dr. Bence Tamássy, Head of the Central Office for Foreign Affairs, paid a partner visit to the Catholic University of St. John Paul II Pope in Lublin, Poland, from 21 to 23 June, where they held discussions on strengthening cooperation between the two universities with Dr. Miroslaw Kalinowski, Rector, and Dr. Beata Piskorska, Deputy Rector. On the occasion of the visit, our University signed the documents of accession to the 3 Seas University Cooperation, a newly established cooperation of universities from 12 Central and Eastern European countries, coordinated by the Catholic University of St. John Paul II. Pope. The fact that Pázmány Péter Catholic University has been invited to join the organisation is a recognition of the professional work carried out at our university.
