Movie screening at PPKE Dormitory



On December 18, 2024, our university hosted a movie screening of the Netflix documentary Winter on Fire at the Student Dormitory.


On December 18, 2024, our university hosted a movie screening of the Netflix documentary Winter on Fire at the Student Dormitory. The movie chronicles Ukraine’s 2014 Revolution of Dignity, shedding light on the origins of the ongoing war and the resilience of the Ukrainian people. The event was attended by several students from diverse countries and cultural backgrounds. The screening aimed to enhance understanding of the events of 2014 and the subsequent war in Ukraine.

Following the documentary, Professor Tamás Ádány, the Head of the Department of Public International Law at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, led an engaging discussion and provided invaluable insights into the legal ramifications of the revolution.

This gathering was organized by Anna-Andriana Onysko, international intern at the Central Office for Foreign Affairs, with the help of other Colleagues from the Office and the Dormitory.

The event was a good occasion for international students to take knowledge from one of the most important topic of our time, learn each other better and it also served the purpose to show our solidarity with the UCU community and the people of Ukraine.