Eva Gergelová










  Major: Law
  Exchange program: Erazmus +
  Age: 20
  Hometown: Dolné Orešany, Slovakia


Hello! My name is Eva, and I am 20-year-old law student, coming from a small village in Slovakia. I am in the second year of my bachelor's. I am from a small village in Slovakia. I decided to study at Pázmány because of the wide selection of courses in English, and the charm and safety of Budapest. I am more than satisfied with my choice, as the affordable transport allows me not only to explore the cultural richness of the city, but also learn about Hungarian history and visit places all around the country. The affordability of public transport and other services, cultural diversity and endless possibilities for activities in a relatively safe environment make Budapest an exceptional place for international students. One of the very few challenges for me was finding a place to stay. Having solved that, all parts of my mobility went smoothly, as there was always someone to turn to. During my time at Pázmány University, I have been presented with various possibilities for extracurricular activities. Apart from trips and gatherings organized by the tutors, I also had the chance to attend an international conference on state sovereignty, organized by the MCC here in Budapest, as well as a lecture about moot courts by local students.

Studying at Pázmány has been an interesting and intellectually stimulating experience. I have not only improved my language skills but also broadened my horizons and gained insight into new legal issues. Sharing experiences and different national views with students and professors from all over Europe (and the world) has been of great value for me, as I can carry it with me and utilize it further in my career. For this, I would like to thank the Pázmány University for welcoming me and encourage all students, considering participation on Erasmus, to give it a try. Don't hesitate, you have nothing to lose and lots to gain. You might form connections, grow intellectually, overcome your limits, discover your true potential or even meet the love of your life!
