INSTRUCTIONS OF THE RECTOR (14/2022) On the introduction of energy saving measures



14. October 2022.

On the introduction of energy saving measures

The purpose of these Instructions is to reduce natural gas, district heating, and electrical energy consumption by 25 percent compared to previous consumption quantities. Proceeding under the authority vested in me by Section 9 (1) of the Organizational and Operational Rules of Pázmány Péter Catholic University (hereinafter: University), I hereby issue the following Instructions:

1. Until any measures to the contrary, heating (gas furnaces, district heating, heat pumps) in the buildings operated by the University may be turned on starting October 15; deviations from this provision are permitted only if the daily mean temperature is expected to remain less than 12°C on three consecutive days or less than 10°C on any one day.
2. The air temperature controlled by the heating systems in the University's classrooms and offices and in dormitory rooms and bathrooms may not exceed 20°C. The temperature in hallways and restrooms may not exceed 18°C, and the temperature in doctor's offices may not exceed 22°C.
3. These Instructions hereby prohibit the use of other, alternative (supplemental) methods of heating, and I hereby order that the owners of all privately owned heating equipment remove those from the buildings operated by the University. I also ban the use of any alternative heating equipment owned by the University. The Head of the Operations Department shall take immediate measures for the removal of unauthorized heating equipment.
4. The hot water used for washing hands in University buildings will be shut off and electric hand dryers will be disconnected from the grid by Operations Department employees.
5. It is no longer permitted to use the electrical network to charge any equipment not necessary for the performance of work.
6. Any refrigerators at the University that are not being used must be unplugged, and the number of refrigerators will be limited to one per kitchen.
7. Lights, copy machines, and printers must be turned off in rooms, classrooms, and hallways after they are no longer being used, and the use of light sources will be avoided in rooms where there is sufficient daylight for performing work.
8. The buildings operated by the University, excluding the facilities used for housing purposes, will be closed from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am on weekdays and Saturdays, and any permits previously issued for using these buildings hereby lapse.
9. Ventilate frequently but only for a few minutes at a time to ensure that walls and furniture do not cool down.
10. The building at the address 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 26 will be closed from October 16, 2022 until April 15, 2023.
11. The University's facilities at the addresses 1088 Budapest, Mikszáth Kálmán tér 1 and 2500 Esztergom, Majer István 1-3 will be closed between December 19, 2022 and February 27, 2023.
12. The University will be closed from December 19, 2022 until January 9, 2023.
13. By the 5th workday of the month following the target month, the Operations Department will send data reports to the Rector and the Deans on public utility consumption, the consumption figures of previous months, and the consumption of the year to date, based on the meter readings.
14. The fall and spring breaks are hereby cancelled.
15. The exam period will start on December 12, 2022 and end on December 19, 2022, and then restart on January 9, 2023 and end on February 11, 2023.
16. Any technical or engineering problems that lead to unnecessary energy consumption must be reported using the website.
17. Please send any comments or recommendations regarding energy savings to the email address.
18. The Communications Department shall prepare an illustrative presentation on the present measures.
19. The Head of the Operations Department shall organize the continuous control and enforcement of the above provisions.
20. The personal scope of these Instructions extends to all University employees, students, and any other persons in other legal relationships with the University (agency contracts and contractual relationships).
21. The scope of these Instructions of the Rector, issued in wake of the current extraordinary circumstances, supersede the application of the provisions of all regulations of equal or lower level that deal with the subject of the present Instructions of the Rector.
22. These Instructions of the Rector shall enter into force on the day following their publication. These Instructions of the Rector shall lapse after the end of the 2022/2023 academic year.

As saving energy is in our shared interest and is our joint responsibility, I ask that all persons abide by the above rules.
                                                Géza György Kuminetz


You can read the document in pdf format here

Széchenyi 2020 - Magyarország Kormánya - Európai Unió, Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap - Befektetés a Jövőbe