New Cooperation Agreement Signed with the Catholic University of Croatia


The aim of their meeting was to lay down the foundations of cooperation between the two universities, launching a new joint Masters program.

The idea of collaboration between PPKE and HKS arose a while ago, since then there have been ongoing discussions in preparation of a Masters program which is outstanding in the field of software engineering and at the same time reflects on the Catholic values of both universities. The curriculum, therefore, emphasizes social responsibility and focuses on developing pieces of software which serve society. The name of the joint program carries the same message: „Software Engineering for Modern Society – standards and applications".

The program's development has been initiated by the Croatian university, the preparation of the syllabus was sponsored by the European Union. While the curriculum is based on a specialization of Computer Science Engineering at PPKE ITK, both institutions have put serious professional effort into the construction of a new, significantly modified syllabus. The well-prepared educational program fills a niche in the field of sociologic data based research support.

The joint program follows a unique education scheme. Students spend the first two semesters in Budapest, the third one in Zagreb, and the fourth either at PPKE or at HKS depending on their research topic. Besides the two universities, Oracle Croatia will also assist in the execution of the new program.

The visit of prof. Željko Tanjić, PhD, rector of HKS, prof. Gordan Črpić PhD, vice-rector for organization and management and prof. Hrvoje Štefančić, PhD, vice-rector for international cooperation started with a short introductory conversation, after which the signing of the Cooperation Agreement took place. The Croatian delegation then lunched together with the rector of PPKE and afterwards had the chance to walk around getting to know the research labs and the building of our Faculty.

This cooperation agreement is an extremely significant milestone in the internationalization of ITK. Utilizing the experiences of the already running international joint Masters program at the Faculty, we are looking forward to working together in such an exciting new partnership.

Széchenyi 2020 - Magyarország Kormánya - Európai Unió, Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap - Befektetés a Jövőbe