Legyél Te is Stipendium Hungaricum mentor!

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A Hallgatói Önkormányzatok Országos Konferenciája létrehozott egy mentorhálózatot, amely segíti a Stipendium Hungaricum ösztöndíjasok integrációjára a magyar felsőoktatásba. 

A Stipendium Hungaricum Mentorhálózat elérhető a program weboldalán, Facebook-oldalán, YouTube csatornáján és Instagram fiókján keresztül.

A mai nappal elindult a HÖOK Stipendium Hungaricum Mentorhálózat mentorfelvételi eljárása a 2023/2024-es tanévre. A pályázati kiírást és a Mentorhálózat rövid leírását megtaláljátok a HÖOK honlapján.

Ha szeretnél jelentkezni, küldd el pályázati anyagodat a shmh@hook.hu email címre!

Határidő: 2023. május 28. 17:00

Mentornak várnak minden nem elsőéves magyar és külföldi hallgatót.

A magyar pályázati felhívásért kattins ide!


Mentor application period is on!

You can apply for being a mentor in the academic year of 2023/2024. If you are interested, please read the article carefully.

The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship programme provides a chance for foreign students to pursue their education in Hungary. Mentors of the Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network complete tasks on peer assistance and on the integration of foreign students coming to Hungary with Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor for the academic year of 2021 and 2022, read the invitation to tender and apply with a CV and a motivational letter online, by sending an e-mail to our central address: shmh@hook.hu. Students may apply for mentor positions until 31 May. The application period is followed by Skype interviews. Please note that such interviews are carried out by the given institutional leading mentor who is not obliged to interview all applicants: if some students' CVs and motivational letters are not acceptable (because of poor English, for instance) the leading mentor has the right to turn down the application.

Before applying, it is strongly recommended to take note of the specifications: the network is looking for full-time students with competent – at least intermediate – knowledge of English. Compared to the previous years, the network had to change its operation due to the current pandemic situation. Please note that we are looking for committed, helpful and friendly students that are willing to participate in online trainings as well to make sure they will be key assistance point for the coming students. Applications from freshmen will be rejected.

Following the enrolment, mentors will be paired by their institutional leading mentors. These pairs are responsible for assisting 7-15 foreign mentees. Tasks of the Stipendium Hungaricum mentors include keeping in touch with their mentees, informing them about the current scholarships available in the higher educational institution they study in and assisting their integration to academic life throughout the year. From time to time mentors are asked to send reports to their institutional leading mentors about their work. Without sending such reports their allowances are not provided. Mentors are also ought to participate in community building activities organised for the members of the network and they are welcome to participate in cultural and touristic programmes as long as they help the guides.

Please send your application in an e-mail to shmh@hook.hu.

Application deadline is 17:00 28 May 2023.

For more information, click here!

Description of the senior mentor position

▪ The institutional senior coordinates the mentors of the Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor
Network in the respective higher education institution. He/she keeps them informed
about the latest news of the programme and organises meetings with them every seven
▪ The senior mentor participates in the recruitment process of the mentors at the
institution, prepares feedback on the work of the mentor students and sends it to the
mentor students.
▪ The senior mentor will consult personally with the mentor network management on a
monthly basis and will prepare a quarterly written report on his/her work. Recruited
senior mentors will undertake their activities for 13 months - 2023.05 - 2024.05 -
during which period they must be active students.
▪ The senior mentor's task is to organise competence development training for the
mentored students at institutional level and tourism and image building programmes at
the local level, under the guidance of the mentor network management.
▪ The senior mentor undertakes to actively participate, to the best of his/her ability, in the
competence-building training and country image-building events organised by the mentor

Application criteria

▪ All full-time students who are not starting their first academic year in higher education
(bachelor, master, unified, or higher education vocational training) in the academic year
2023/2024 can apply to become a senior mentor.
▪ An advanced level of English is a criterion for application.
▪ Send your CV and motivation letter in English by filling in the Google form above by the
deadline indicated in the application.
▪ The senior mentor will receive a one-off payment for the performance of his/her duties, provided
that he/she fulfills the tasks undertaken.

Examination of applications
 By 28 May 2023, all applicants will receive confirmation of how their application has been
assessed by the mentor network management, followed by a personal interview if appropriate.



Vegyél részt a MentorFactor versenyén!

Idén május 21-én második alkalommal kerül megrendezésre a MentorFactor, amely a HÖOK Stipendium Hungaricum Mentorhálózatának tehetségkutató programja, amelyet a HÖOK szociális Mentorprogramjával közösen szervez. Az esemény idén a pandémiás helyzet miatt online élő közvetítéssel zajlik majd, amelyre szeretettel várunk minden stipendium hungaricum ösztöndíjast és magyar hallgatót is, mind jelentkezőként, mind pedig nézőként az online közvetítésen. A rendezvényhez tartozó Facebook-eseményben megtalálható a jelentkezési felület, amely április 25-ig várja a jelentkezőket.

If you want to take part in the contest of MentorFactor, click here for more information!

Oszd meg velünk a véleményed!

A mentorhálózat fel kívánja mérni az Stipendium Hungaricum Ösztöndíjjal rendelkező hallgatók távoktatással kapcsolatos visszajelzését. A távoktatással kapcsolatos hallgatói kérdőívet az alábbi linken érhetik el. Kérjük mindenki töltse ki!

The following questionnaire includes questions about digital education and other general topics. With your answers, we would like to learn more about your opinions and experiences about digital education. Please support our work by answering the questions. The answer is voluntary and only takes 10 minutes. The answers are processed anonymously and in aggregate.


Dear Future Mentor,

You are about to set out on a busy, exciting and eventful journey, now that you have offered to mentor a foreign student (or several students). You will help them learn what you already know about the university and the city where you are studying, as well as about Hungary and Hungarian culture. You will play a major role – especially at the start of the study period – in helping your mentee find their way in an unfamiliar environment and have fun. Maybe later they will look back on their time in Hungary as the time of their lives. Even though you haven't travelled to another country this time, this semester will be something new for you too. You will be part of an international team, meet new and interesting people, see new aspects, and be able to look at Hungarian culture through the eyes of others.

You will make new friends, maybe develop friendships for life, and of course improve your active language skills. If you haven't spent time abroad on a scholarship, consider this semester a rehearsal: you will see what it is like to speak about culture, the university, and many other things in a foreign language with students from abroad. And if you have spent a semester or more abroad, this international experience you are about to have will be much like an extension of that period. No-one says that the work of a mentor is always easy, and there may be some pitfalls in this coming semester. Your initial enthusiasm may wane, the exam period will come, and you might feel that you have neither the time nor the motivation to continue mentoring. But if you keep it up, not only will you have great experiences, but you will really benefit from this period. In addition to the advantages mentioned earlier, you can improve your cultural sensitivity and empathy, and working in an international environment will be less challenging. You will become more confident in new and unfamiliar situations, and your problem-solving skills will also improve. It goes without saying that these skills and competences will be very useful on the labour market. And if you have any doubts in your work as a mentor, just take a look at this handbook: we created it to make your tasks as clear as possible.

This handbook will provide you with information about the administrative tasks of foreign students; you can prepare for odd situations that result from cultural differences, and you will get advice on who to turn to if you face a problem you can't solve on your own. At the end of the handbook, there is a list of useful links and a multilingual collection of expressions, so that you won't have any problems if you have to manage official matters in a foreign language. We are confident that with all this information, you will have no problems whatsoever, and this semester will be a great experience for you too. We wish you all the best with this.


What you should know as an international mentor? Check the guidebook here!