Academic achievements in April

The President of PPCU in Madrid

Dr. SZUROMI Szabolcs DSc., the President of PPCU has embarked on a quest of scientific feat: firstly, on the 28th of April he visited the Universidad Francisco de Vitoriain Madrid, where he disputed educational and research cooperation in the fields of international studies, psychology and medical biotechnology.

Secondly, on the very same day he made his way to the nearby Universidad San Dámaso to held a lecture in English titled "Cooperation at the Middle East as improvement of new research programs in the fields of Biblical Studies, Patristic Studies and Canon Law History research" for the group of distinguished experts of biblical, Patristic and early Christianity and scholars of Christian literature in Arabic languages. The lecture was followed by a discussion in Spanish about the recent prosperous partnerships established by PPCU with institutions of higher education, research and religion. The research cooperation includes comparing the Coran to apocryphal and patristic biblical texts from the second and fourth century.

Thirdly, he paid a visit to the Colegio Eclesiástico Internacional Bidasoa, where he examined the institutional structure and operation system of the educational faculty of clergymen. He also inspected connections with the faculties of Universidad de Navarra and its local particularities.

Lastly, Dr. SZUROMI has also presided over the meeting of the International Canon Law Research Center at Facultad de Derecho Canónico of the Universidad de Navarra in the presence of Spanish members such as Dr. Nicolás Álvarez de las ASTURIAS and Dr. Joaquín SEADONO, conversing on topics of past and future academic achievements and planning, syllabus of the conference series starting in 2017, the direction in international moderation of PhD dissertations and preparation for the International Canon Law Conference scheduled in 2018.

The Spanish visitation was also under toned with some Italian lining: as part of the Studium Generale Marcianum, Facoltà di Diritto Canonico Canonical Research Programme, Dr. SZUROMI was chosen to be a member of the Scientific Council in Venice on the 20th of April.


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