Comprehensive cooperation between PPCU and the Catholic University of Paris (ICP)

New agreement with the Parisian institute

As part of his two-day official program in Paris Professor Szabolcs Szuromi, rector of Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPCU) and Professor Philippe Bordeyne, rector of Catholic University of Paris (ICP) have engaged in detailed discussions on the 20th of September. While the relationship between the two institutions predate even the democratic transition in Hungary, no cooperation agreement has been signed with the renowned Parisian institution, despite PPCU's elevation to a decisive role within the International Federation of Catholic Universities over the last few years.

The two rectors have conversed comprehensively regarding a broad cooperation between the universities, which could be considered as one of the most-extensive research and education agreement among Catholic higher education institutions.

In addition to outlining the mobility of students, academic and administrative staff, the heads of the two universities with historical traditions concurred on the close collaboration of teaching of sacred sciences approved by the Holy See, together with the harmonization of the fields of related academic degrees.

They also settled the content of study courses in significant areas along with identification of the scope of dual degrees and common master and postgraduate specialist courses.

The discussions cover the fields of Theology, Christian Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, Psychology as well as International and European Law. Professor Szuromi and Professor Bordeyne also agreed on the joint partnership within the education and research programs of PPCU's Institute of Family Sciences and Laudato si' Institute for Process System Engineering and Sustainability.

Both parties recognize the opportunity of combined work in the fields of Medical Ethics and Mental Health training, the importance of educating the new generation and the formulation of scientifically based answers to the 21st century's questions of society with regard to the moral contribution.

Both PPCU and ICP are firmly convinced with the near-future implementation of research and training activities, lectures and publications, as well as students' and teachers' mobility in extensive study fields, based on the network of PPCU and three French Catholic universities (Paris, Lyon and Toulouse) guided by the core values of Pope Francis' Apostolic Constitution "Veritatis gaudium".


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