Delegation of Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Erbil

The President of PPCU helps the advances of education in the distressed area

In the past one and the half year in spite of the dire Middle-East conflicts PPCU has managed to build a vast and flourishing network with universities, cultural institutions and leaders of local Chirtisan and Muslim communities in the countries of a much-distressed area.

In unison to this process was the chain of conferences arranged in Kurdistan with the participation of Dr. SZUROMI Szabolcs DSc., President of PPCU, Dr. MAJOR Balázs, Director and Docent of the Department of Archaeology at PPCU and Dr. VEZEKÉNYI Csaba, Consul General. On the 3rd of May, the delegation of PPCU explored further possibilities of cooperation during the talks with Ibrahim HAMARASH, Vice President of Salahaddin University-Erbil in accordance with the collaboration of education and research contract between the two universities signed in 2013. Further discussions took place with Rafeeq RASOOL Sofy, President of Directorate of Antiquities and Nader B. MOHAMMED, Director of Archaeological Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the adjacent areas about PPCU’s archeological advances. An exchange of views was arranged with Zidan Rasheed BRADOSTY, lecturer of Department of Archaeology about the role of excavation procedure.

On the 4th of May an official meeting was held with Bashar Matti WARDA, Archbishop of Chaldean Catholic Church, Chancellor of the Erbil Catholic University after which an agreement of student and academic exchange within the educational and research cooperation was signed by Dr. SZUROMI Szabolcs and President Salahaddin KAKO between PPCU and the Erbil Catholic University.

The delegation of PPCU was kindly welcomed by the Syrian-Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, Yohanna Petros MOUCHE, with whom a discussion of the plight of immigrants, the Christian students’ future educational opportunities at the Catholic University, including the preparation of agreement between PPCU and Hamadania University. On the very same day Ahmed Anwar DEZAYE, President of Salahaddin University has agreed on an alliance in the fields of Technology and Bio-medicine.


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