Instruction of the Rector No.11/2020


In light of Act LVII of 2020 on the Termination of the Emergency, Government Decree 282/2020 of June 17 on the termination of the emergency announced on March 11, 2020, and Section 16 of the temporary measures adopted by University Council Decision 41/2020 of June 30, I hereby enact the following rules:

Section 1 The personal scope of these Instructions extends to all Pázmány Péter Catholic University (hereinafter: University) students, teachers, employees, and all other persons who wish to enter the territory of the University or the areas of any events organized by the University or any of its organizational units at any external locations. The material scope of these Instructions extends to teaching, testing, admission, graduation and degree conferment, and academic events, including all other events that also involve the attendance of any persons other than the University's teachers and employees. The scope of these Instructions extends to work activities at the University conducted with the participation of teachers or employees only in the manner specified in Section 8.

Section 2 The event under Section 1 may, based on the separate authorization granted by the competent dean, be organized and held in line with the following provisions:
a) measures shall be taken to ensure that persons keep a distance of 1.5 m between them; all events shall be organized in a manner that ensures this provision can be ensured;
b) personal protective equipment that cover the mouth and nose (e.g. surgical mask, scarf, shawl – hereinafter: mask) must be worn in enclosed spaces during all events that involve social interaction; all persons shall provide their own masks;
c) hand sanitizers shall be made available in easily accessible locations near entrances to building and rooms;
d) the rules for coughing and sneezing shall be followed, and hands must be washed or disinfected often;
e) lecture halls, classrooms, and other rooms shall be aerated by natural means or with the use of installed ventilator systems as often as possible.

Section 3 Persons who exhibit symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus or who detected such symptoms on themselves in any of the three days prior may not enter the University (coughing, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, recurring difficulty in tasting or smelling, queasiness, vomiting, diarrhea). All persons shall be individually responsible for complying with this obligation.

Section 4 The person involved in the event specified in Section 1 may access the University and stay at the University for such purpose in compliance with the rules set out in Section 2.

Section 5 The organizer of the event shall be responsible for ensuring that the rules set out in Section 2 are followed and for informing the affected persons of the applicable rules, thus also including the prohibitions under Section 3.

Section 6 International mobility programs may be held in line with national laws and the requirements set out by the organization coordinating the scholarship program in question. When planning trips abroad, all students, teachers, and employees should take into consideration the respective travel advice given by the consular service and the safety classification of the various target countries.

Section 7 No sports activities may be conducted and no sports events may be organized (e.g. team sports, championships) at the University, and no student, employee, or other person may access the University for the purpose. In their capacity as University students, University students may not participate in any competitive sport championships until August 31, 2020. However, University students are recommended to participate in regular, individual, outdoor sports outside the scope of the above that are in line with the student's physical fitness, with the mutatis mutandis application of the requirements of the document entitled "Information on the Epidemiological Rules of Prevention Applicable to Sports" , published on the National Public Health Center website on May 19, 2020.

Section 8 The provisions of Sections 2 and 3 shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the work activities performed at the University with the participation of teachers and employees only, with the proviso that the wearing of masks and other protective equipment (e.g. gloves) is recommended.

Section 9 Simultaneously to the entry into effect of these Instructions of the Rector, Rector's Circular 1/2020 of March 9 on the University measures in connection with the prevention of the coronavirus, Rector's Circular 2/2020 of March 13 on handling the emergency caused by the coronavirus, Rector's Circular 3/2020 of March 16 on doctoral and habilitation acts, Instructions of the Rector 3/2020 of May 20 on the rules pertaining to students for accessing Pázmány Péter Catholic University, and Instructions of the Rector 6/2020 of June 16 amending the latter shall lapse.

Section 10 These Instructions of the Rector shall enter into effect as of their promulgation.

Dr. Géza Kuminetz


Yo can read the document in .pdf format here.

Széchenyi 2020 - Magyarország Kormánya - Európai Unió, Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap - Befektetés a Jövőbe