Dr. Szuromi Szabolcs DSc., President of PPCU and Luke Jongchul Won, President of the Catholic University of Korea (CUK) have signed an agreement on education and research in Seoul on 26 April 2017. The two parties emphasized the special significance of the cooperation in the quality of education and research development of both the Hungarian and the South Korean institutions. Dr. Szuromi conducted detailed talks with Young Man Han, Dean of the newly-established Faculty of Canon Law, Sang Hoon Lee, Director of International Affairs and Mi-Kyoung Kwak, Dean of the College of Pharmacy.
The agreement covers the mobility of teachers, researchers and students, the foundation for new joint research and training programs, including part-time training, dual and joint diploma at bachelor, master and PhD level, while including the fields of humanities and social sciences, law, engineering, informatics and bionics, as well as the sacred sciences with special regard to canon law.
During his official visitation the President of PPCU has held a seminar at CUK's Faculty of Law titled 'Preservation and transmission of the Catholic depositum fidei in a canonical approach, particularly in regard of the Far East region'. Dr. Szuromi has also paid a visit to the Jeoldusan Martyr ground, a memorial dedicated to the execution of more than 8000 Catholic in 1866.