Rector's recent Circular Letter on the coronavirus pandemic



1. I call the attention that according to the Governmental Decree 41/2020. (III.11) university students are not allowed to enter university premises as of 12 March 2020. Under this prohibition students are obliged to stay away from all university educational buildings.
2. I hereby order spring break to be held between the 14 and 20 March 2020. I would like to kindly ask all our students not to travel abroad during the break and preferably stay at their homes.
3. According to the directions of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology and in line with the provisions of the above stated Governmental Decree the validity of student IDs are extended by 15 days from the end of the Cov-19 pandemic. Students are therefore kindly asked not to submit requests for information regarding this topic. Also, students are asked to formulate their urgent educational requests to the Students' Registrars either via phone or e-mail.
4. Students, lecturers, researchers, faculty members and other associates are not allowed to travel abroad on trips related to the University.
5. With reference to the directions of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology I hereby order lecturers, researchers and faculty members to fulfil their educational responsibilities by applying distance-learning methods. The conditions for distance-learning ought to be established by 23 March at the latest. Lecturers, researchers and faculty members shall arrange the details during the spring break.
6. According to the announcement of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, if student internships – teaching practice, continuous term practice – take place outside of the University premises, they may be continued, in case the recipient institution does not forbid their work. Regarding school practice the public education institution is to be consulted.
7. During the Rectorial break, the spring break and the period of distance teaching all lecturers, researchers, teachers and other staff members of the University have to work without disruption.
8. International students may stay at their accommodation dormitory.
9. According to the announcement of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology Hungarian students have to leave their dormitory accommodation by 13 March 2020. In case a Hungarian student has no place to go, it may stay in the dormitory upon a special permission issued by the Rector.
10. No community gatherings or events may take place in student halls.
11. For further information the homepage of the University should be consulted, as well as communications through the official e-mail system and Neptun messages.

sgd. Dr. Géza Kuminetz

Széchenyi 2020 - Magyarország Kormánya - Európai Unió, Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap - Befektetés a Jövőbe