Between October 2nd and 3rd Pázmány Péter Catholic University's Institute for Process Systems Engineering and Sustainability will organize the Second Symposium on Global Sustainability with the Hungarian Academy Rome providing the hosting venue.
The symposium will focus on three goals of providing a detailed up-date briefing to the Holy See on the on-going efforts of the wider scientific community and of the Workgroup; conducting a public discussion of the continuing efforts across the globe; and the continuation of the public dialog which should eventually lead to a level of consensus.
Scientific contact: prof. Heriberto Cabezas, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Institute for Process Systems Engineering and Sustainability, Hungary. Email:
Registration contact: Judit Skoumal-Nagy (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary) at; Tel. + 36 70 430-5568.
Registration Fee: €100.00
For more information please click here for the short summary.