Tantárgy adatlapja
1.Anatomical and molecular characteristics of the blood-brain barrier
2. Anatomical and molecular characteristics of nasal drug delivery route
3. Anatomical and molecular characteristics of dermal drug delivery route
4.Methodological opportunities for testing dermal drug delivery (in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo)
5.Microfluidic diffusion chambers in drug delivery studies
6.Drug formulation techniques to enhance dermal absorption
7.Physical methods to enhance dermal drug delivery
8.Tricks for overcoming the blood-brain barrier
9.Studying species differences in the skin
10.Opportunities to reduce the number of experimental animals in drug delivery studies
11.Testing dermal barrier permeability in healthy and diseased conditions.
12.Testing blood-brain barrier permeability in healthy and diseased conditions.
Selected literature:
Kocsis D, Kichou H, Döme K, Varga-Medveczky Z, Révész Z, Antal I, Erdő F. Structural and Functional Analysis of Excised Skins and Human Reconstructed Epidermis with Confocal Raman Spectroscopy and in Microfluidic Diffusion Chambers. Pharmaceutics. 2022 Aug 13;14(8):1689. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14081689.
Kocsis D, Klang V, Schweiger EM, Varga-Medveczky Z, Mihály A, Pongor C, Révész Z, Somogyi Z, Erdő F. Characterization and ex vivo evaluation of excised skin samples as substitutes for human dermal barrier in pharmaceutical and dermatological studies. Skin Res Technol. 2022 Jun 21. doi: 10.1111/srt.13165Share
Kocsis D, Horváth S, Kemény Á, Varga-Medveczky Z, Pongor C, Molnár R, Mihály A, Farkas D, Naszlady BM, Fülöp A, Horváth A, Rózsa B, Pintér E, Gyulai R, Erdő F. Drug Delivery through the Psoriatic Epidermal Barrier-A "Skin-On-A-Chip" Permeability Study and Ex Vivo Optical Imaging.Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Apr 11;23(8):4237. doi: 10.3390/ijms23084237
Lukács B, Bajza Á, Kocsis D, Csorba A, Antal I, Iván K, Laki AJ, Erdő F. Skin-on-a-Chip Device for Ex Vivo Monitoring of Transdermal Delivery of Drugs-Design, Fabrication, and Testing.Pharmaceutics. 2019 Sep 2;11(9):445. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11090445.
Luca Anna Bors and Franciska Erdő Overcoming the Blood–Brain Barrier. Challenges and Tricks for CNS Drug Delivery, Sci. Pharm. 2019, 87(1), 6; https://doi.org/10.3390/scipharm87010006
Required competences:
Analysing and synthetizing ability to make short, informative presentations on recent scientific results on drug delivery research across the physiological barriers.Getting theoretical background knowledge on the field of physiological barriers and making and evaluating drug delivery experiments..